High CP value departments? The top students also rush to take the "Keda Medicine"


The high salary and stable life of pharmacists make many people rush to study pharmacy. However, some netizens are curious, not only the National University, but also the University of Science and Technology also has a Department of Pharmacy. What is the difference between the two? Unexpectedly, netizens revealed that HKUST Pharmaceuticals has a "super high CP value", and even the top students around them would not hesitate to transfer to another school.

The original PO posted on Dcard that to be honest, the academic test scores of the Department of Pharmacy of the University of Science and Technology of China are not low, and there is a god-like existence in the health care category of the unified test, with an average of about 90 per subject to have a chance. If you look at Universities, the pharmacy of HKUST can go from the middle class to the top universities and non-top departments; if you look at the technical positions, you can apply for Taike or Beike, and there are many top three voluntary high school students, Top students and medical students.

As soon as the post came out, many netizens left messages, pointing out that the Department of Pharmacy of the University of Science and Technology is indeed the transfer target of many people. Canaan Pharmaceutical, I was still wondering why he went to a private university of science and technology, but after many years, I will also go to a university of science and technology, ", "Chengdu University for one semester and then re-examination to Jianan Pharmaceutical passing by... our current class I heard that there are two Tsinghua University re-examinations, and the pharmacist national examination will be in two weeks."

Netizens analyzed that there are two main reasons for the high CP value of the Department of Pharmacy of the University of Science and Technology of China. It is not difficult to take the exam and the salary will be high in the future. Slightly higher than Taike and Pingke veterinarians, but no matter what, these three departments have a high proportion of people who come out and stay in related industries, and they are considered very valuable departments.”, “The money (salary) of pharmacy is not very much. , is rich and free”, “As a result, as the first choice to graduate, one day I went back to my alma mater and found that the University of Science and Technology of China is now on the list, even ranking in front of the top university, so cool”, “The law of the white giant tower: University of Science and Technology Medicine > The top three categories of non-medical dental medicine, the three categories choose the department but not the school.”

(Source of article: United Daily News / link:https://udn.com/news/story/6929/6450774)

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