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Admiral Farragut Academy

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University Introduction

法拉格特上將學院(Admiral Farragut Academy)成立於1933年,是一所私立的大學預科、軍事風格的寄宿學校,為K-12年級的學生提供服務。Farragut位於佛羅里達州。學院為男女同校,從8-12年級的寄宿學校,歡迎來自世界各地的國際學生。海軍科學為8至12年級的NJROTC計劃強制性特色課程,包括航空、水肺、STEM、海洋科學…等。為延續軍事傳統培養未來領袖。學院注重性格發展,法拉格特海軍上將學院是美 國僅有的兩所海軍榮譽學校之一。學院在中國另設有三個國際校區:天津、東莞、上海, 各自獨立招生,就讀於國際校區的學生畢業時可取得相同的畢業證書,以美國高中學 歷申請美國大學。

University Profile




School Features



CASS logo

University Introduction

CASS為一家創新的國際化商學院,在法國設有全球學術中心。除基本 課程外更為學生提供學習至少四種語言的機會,為新一代前瞻性領導 者提供最新的高級管理教育和培訓。 CASS成功完成國際商業與金融計畫,獲得CASS歐洲授予的工商管理 學士學位BBA資格,能幫助學生發展專業以及管理合作能力,使其能在畢業後擔任管理階級的職位。

University Profile


School Certification


School Features



University Introduction

The Nicaragua University of Pacific (UNIP) is a young, dynamic and progressive institution of higher education located in Managua, the capital of Nicaragua. The school was founded in 2012, with students from all over the world, including Taiwan, South Korea, China, India, the Philippines, South Africa, Europe and the United States. Certified member of the National Council of Universities (CNU), and It is a university with official qualifications recognized by many countries.

UNIP provides international students who love learning with a high-value study opportunity and learning environment. The school has a research institute, a doctoral program, and a high school department.

University Profile

►School site: Managua, Nicaragua
►Year of founding: 2012
►School area: 30,000 square meters
►Building pings: 3,000 pings
►Taiwan Representative Office: CAUC

School Certification

UNIP is member of CNU and the IAU. It is certified by the Taiwan MOE. Academic qualifications are also certified by the FCE of California (USA)

unip agr

University Departments

Medical school, natural medicine school, management school, art school, engineering school, etc. College programs, and pet management, nutrition care, medicine, business management, accounting, system engineering, law, psychology, sports and leisure management, art , fashion modeling... and many other departments with bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs.

Programs & Courses

School Features

► Certified by MOE, complete credits in accordance with regulations, and obtain a bachelor's degree. ► The only school in Central America where all teachers have PhD. ► Tuition fees lower than European and American countries, accommodation and living expenses also cheaper than in Taiwan. ►Nicaragua has simple folk customs and a good social atmosphere. Can focus on studies and learn English and Spanish. ► Has hotel-level dormitory and restaurant, convenient life. ► Can apply for student loans for master's and doctoral programs, and project credit loans for bachelor's programs.

David University


University Introduction

Founded in 2000, David University provides advanced courses for incumbents or job seekers to meet the needs of individuals in their careers. Advanced courses include bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in various fields. Since its establishment, more than 5,000 students have awarded degrees in 150 courses and research in more than 100 fields. After short-term course training, they can have skills certificates, making David The university becomes one of the learning institutions with professional development.

University Profile

►University Address: Tampa, Florida, USA

►Year of founding: 2000


►Taiwan Representative Office: CAUC

University Departments

David University offers education, information, business management, natural medicine, psychology, art, theology, sports and leisure... and many other departments, as well as bachelor, master and doctoral programs.

David University Courses
Programs & Courses

Business school


University Introduction

法國波城高等商學院簡稱「ESC PAU」,是法國一家高水平私立高等商業學校,已通過歐洲管理發展項目認證體系(EPAS)認證。是法國「大學校聯盟」成員,隸屬於波城工商會(the Pau-Béarn Chamber of Commerce and Industry)。 學校位於法國西南部波城,院校占地面積有4萬2平方 公尺,建築面積1萬平方公尺,有一千多名學生。學校有超過750個企業合作夥伴(包括TOTAL,BNPPARIBAS,DANONE,PWC,L’OREAL, SAFRAN, LVMH, EADS,GOOGLE等)。 學校非常注重國際化,每年有140餘名學生赴法國外的國家交換學習,每年也接受100多名來學習的國際學生。學校有在20個國家,近50個國際交流合作夥伴。

University Profile


