UNIP accredited by ANMAB


American Naturopathic medical accreditation board

The American Naturopathic Medical Accreditation Board (ANMAB), formerly ANMCAB, was founded in 1978, and incorporated in Washington, D.C. This prestigious organization has recognized and met the need to promote and regulate naturopathic traditional and non-traditional education over a period of thirty-eight years. Through the process of review ANMAB adopted criteria and procedures for evaluating institutions and its programs. This system of review has worked for determining the qualities of sound educational programs, and ethical business practices, in all areas of natural health care. The organization’s Committee on Accreditation oversees all evaluations conducted by the investigative team, and grants final approval.

Here is the:ANMAB website link, where the list of accredited institutions can be checked


Accreditation for Naturopathic programs in the United States is an entirely "voluntary" process. Accreditation for an institution of learning represents a "validation" that the school programs have been thoroughly investigated and found worthy of recognition. This investigation is conducted by a qualified group of people familiar with the programs offered. Students and institutions of learning have come to rely on decisions from ANMAB as a reliable source for determining quality in education.


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